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Results from Lansing web retrieved at 06:34 (GMT)

Adam Bright Performer * And Then There Were None (LCP 2006) Philip Lombard * Send Me No Flowers (SDT 2007) Vito, Fantasy Husband, Man Shopper * Pi...
Becky Hicks BECKY HICKS Performer * Send Me No Flowers (SDT 2007) Passerby Production Team * I Do, I Do (SDT 2006) Properties, Production Assistant ...
Ben Holzhausen Director * Strange Shorts (CTW 2009) Earwig Performer * Don't Drink the Water (LCP 2005) Axel Magee * The Ladies of the Camellias (R...
Betsy Hull Hornus Performer * A Delicate Balance (ST 2000) Julia * The Stronger/The Human Voice (RWT 2003) Waitress (The Stronger) Production Team ...
Beverly Gross On our 10 20 30 page of frequent contributors to Lansing theater, as Production Team Director * Little Women (LCP 1997) * Anne of Green Gab...
Bill Cecil Performer * Biloxi Blues (RWT 1991) Roy Selridge * Robin Hood (RWT 1992) Robin Hood/Blind Benny * Broadway Bound (RWT 1993) Eugene Jero...
Bill Woodland On our 10 20 30 page of frequent contributors to Lansing theater, as Production Team * Pulsar Award (2015) Special Recognition for Over 50 ...
Bob Gras Married to Linda Gras Died in 2009 On our 10 20 30 page of frequent contributors to Lansing theater, as Director and as Production Team * Thespi...
Bob Nees On our 10 20 30 page of frequent contributors to Lansing theater, as Production Team * Barney Award You Take The Cake Award (2015) Production ...
Bonnie Bratina Director * Ten Little Indians (LCP 1995) * The Sunshine Boys (LCP 1997) Performer * Bleacher Bums (RWT 1996) Rose Production Team ...
Bonnie Rindfleisch Production Team * The Lion in Winter (LCP 1997) Set Building * Jack and the Beanstalk (LCP 1997) Set Builder and Painter * Picnic...
Brian de Vries Performer * Picnic (LCP 1997) Bomber * sex (IF 2007) Jack Knight * Rabbit Hole (PCTC 2008) Howie * Some Girl(s) (PCT...
Bridgette Redman Director * Witness for the Prosecution (BCTG 1999) Performer * To Gillian on Her 37th Birthday (BCTG 1997) Esther * Dr. Faustus (BCT...
Cathy Hansel Edgerton Director * Dearly Beloved (SDT 2008) with Linda M. Granger Performer * Send Me No Flowers (SDT 2007) Woman Shopper * Dearly Bel...
Cathy McKenzie Production Team * Moon Over Buffalo (LCP 2006) Costumer * Yes, Virginia, There Is a Santa Claus (LCP 2006) Costumer * Gypsy (LCP 2007...
Chris Klaver Performer * Don't Dress for Dinner (LCP 2005) Robert * Send Me No Flowers (SDT 2007) George Kimball * Boeing Boeing (LCP 2008) Robert...
Colleen Patten Performer * Pippin (RWT 1992) Player * Robin Hood (RWT 1992) Crazy Betty/Old Gummy Granny/Old Maid of Tuxford * Rumors (LCP 1993)...
Diane Erley Production Team * It Had to be You (SDT 2006) Backstage Assistance * Send Me No Flowers (SDT 2007) Production Assistant/Dresser * Picnic...
Don Cochran DON COCHRAN Performer * Kiss Me, Kate (HDCP 2006) Ensemble * Send Me No Flowers (SDT 2007) Bert * Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor D...
Elizabeth Cameron Aylsworth Performer * 110 in the Shade (LCP 2005) Snookie Updegraff, Dancer * The Ladies of the Camellias (RWT 2006) A Girl * I Do...
Elizabeth Todd Performer * Crazy For You (LCP 2001) Mitzi * Our Town (RWT 2001) Samantha Craig * Folles (LCP 2001) Helena * The Man Who Cam...
Eric J. Sherman Performer * Picnic (LCP 1997) Alan Seymour * Catch Me If You Can (LCP 2001) Inspector Levine Production Team * Catch Me If You Can ...
Faith Helma Performer * Ten Little Indians (LCP 1995) Mrs. Rogers * Puss in Boots (RWT 1996) Princess Cherrie the Shy * The Lion in Winter (LCP 1997...
Gary Mitchell On our 10 20 30 page of frequent contributors to Lansing theater, as Performer Performer * Arsenic and Old Lace (LCP 2003) Jonathan Brews...
Gary Riggs Director * Bad Seed (BCTG 2006) Performer * The Sunshine Boys (LCP 1997) Patient * Picnic (LCP 1997) Howard Bevens * Little Women (LC...
Heather Wise Performer * Hello, Dolly (LCP 1996) Chorus * Stop the World, I Want to Get Off! (RWT 1998) Chorus Production Team * Into the Woods (LC...
Helen Birr Production Team * The Boys From Syracuse (LCP 1992) Lightboard Operator * Pippin (RWT 1992) Properties * Amadeus (LCP 1993) Lig...
Jane Zussman As Jane Shipley until 1992 On our 10 20 30 page of frequent contributors to Lansing theater, in all categories * Thespie Award Robert Busby...
Janet Walker Performer * Desk Set (OBT 1985) Lady in the Blue Suit * She's Your Mother! (RWT 1997) Agnes Brewster * Our Town (RWT 2001) Woman in t...
Jennifer Hatton JENNIFER HATTON Performer * Send Me No Flowers (SDT 2007) Passerby Production Team * I Do, I Do (SDT 2006) Follow Spot Operator *...
Jim Lorenz Production Team * The Rainmaker (LCP 1992) Lights * Social Security (LCP 1992) Sound, Lights * Scrooge (LCP 1993) Lighting Designer ...
Judy Barber On our 10 20 30 page of frequent contributors to Lansing theater, as Production Team Director * Under Milk Wood (RWT 2008) with Bob Gras ...
Judy Such Director * A Little Murder Never Hurt Anybody (LCP 1994) * Love, Sex and the I.R.S. (LCP 1996) * Catch Me If You Can (LCP 2001) Performer ...
Kate Stevens KATE STEVENS Performer * Picnic (SDT 2007) Millie Owens * The Ransom of Red Chief (RWT 2007) Ellie * Opal's Baby (SDT 2008) Verna
Kathy Owen On our 10 20 30 page of frequent contributors to Lansing theater, as Production Team Production Team * Little Women (RWT 1989) Set Dressing ...
Kirsten West as Kirsten Wilcox (through 2001) and Kirsten Spichiger (2001 2004) On our 10 20 30 page of frequent contributors to Lansing theater, as Producti...
Lansing Civic Players Lansing Civic Players Homepage (Currently Inactive) * Thespie Award Special Award (1996) for "innovations", specifically "for avoid...
Laura Potter Performer * Night of January 16 (LCP 2003) Magda Swenson * I Remember Mama (LCP 2003) Mama * Picnic (SDT 2007) Irma Kronkite * The...
Linda Gras Married to Bob Gras Died in 2012 On our 10 20 30 page of frequent contributors to Lansing theater, as Performer Performer * Social Security ...
Linda M. Granger Founder and Artistic Director of Starlight Dinner Theatre On our 10 20 30 page of frequent contributors to Lansing theater, in all three cat...
Mara McGill as Mara Schaberg through 2010 * Barney Award President's Award (2011) * Barney Award You Take The Cake Award (Volunteer Service) (2014) *...
Mark Zussman Married to Jane Zussman On our 10 20 30 page of frequent contributors to Lansing theater, as Performer Director * The Miss Firecracker Cont...
Mike Nichols Production Team * Big River (LCP 1993) Set Construction, Running Crew * Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (RWT 1993) Tech Assistant * Wait Until Da...
Mike Stewart Director * Uncommon Good (LCP 2010) * The Merchant of Venice (LCP 2011) * The Divine Sister (LCP 2011) * The Tempest (ELCT 2017) * Tw...
Molly DeLind Director * A Little Princess (LCP 1996) Performer * Hansel Gretel (RWT 1990) Gretel * Into the Woods (LCP 1995) Florinda * Someth...
Paige Tufford As Paige Dunckel through 2014 Director * Picnic (SDT 2007) * Topdog/Underdog (ITE 2014) Performer * The Four Disgracers (ITE 2014) ...
Paul Sisson Production Team * A Slight Exaggeration (RWT 1989) Set * Dames At Sea (RWT 1989) Set Construction * The Odd Couple (ARC 1990) Set Desi...
Picnic (1997) * Written by William Inge* Directed by Bob Gras September 12 13, 19 21, 1997 Lansing Civic Players Performed at Catholic Central High School ...
Sharon Straubel On our 10 20 30 page of frequent contributors to Lansing theater, as Production Team Performer * A Christmas Carol (RWT 2015) Pre Show ...
Starlight Dinner Theatre Starlight Dinner Theatre Homepage Performances held at Waverly East Intermediate School except where noted * Thespie Award Robert B...
Steve Scarborough On our 10 20 30 page of frequent contributors to Lansing theater, as Production Team Production Team * The Gingerbread Witch (OBT 1986) ...
Steven Edgerly Performer * Man of La Mancha (RWT 1994) Moorish Singer, Flamenco Singer, Chorus * Firehouse Follies (LCP 1998) Ensemble, Octet * Ca...
Susan DeRosa On our 10 20 30 page of frequent contributors to Lansing theater, on Production Team Director * 6 Rms Riv Vu (BCTG 2003) * Nunsense: The ...
Ted Edgerton Production Team * Picnic (SDT 2007) Set Assistance * Amy's Wish (SDT 2007) Set Construction Assistant * Dearly Beloved (SDT 2008) Set ...
Tim Hill TIM HILL Performer * Picnic (SDT 2007) Bomber
Tricia Wright Performer * Noises Off (RWT 1996) Poppy Norton Taylor * The Boy Friend (LCP 1997) Hortense * Sweeney Todd (RWT1997) Mrs. Lovett ...
Wendy St. Laurent Performer * Picnic (LCP 1997) Christine Schoenwalder
Winifred Olds Winifred Olds passed away on June 20, 2013 after complications from a broken shoulder a few weeks earlier. She graced Lansing stages for an almost i...
Number of topics: 58
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