Let's Fight!

A Collection of Ten-Minute Plays
  • Fighting Mr Right by Barbara Lindsay
  • Forty Love by Rich Rubin
  • Guess by Jenny Lyn Bader
  • Heist! by Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend
  • How to Donate to Your Local Library by Joe Gaskill
  • Kortal Mombat by Adam Carlson
  • Kung-Foolery by Brett Hursey
  • Not Part of the Choreography by Heath Sartorius
  • The Parking Lot Discord by John Weagly
Directed by Rose Jangmi Cooper
May 10, 11, 17 and 18, 2024
Ixion Theatre Ensemble
Performed at Stage One Performing Arts Center
  • Thespie Award - Ensemble, Play
  • Thespie Award - Original Script
  • One additional Thespie Award denoted (T) below



Topic revision: r1 - 21 Jun 2024, MattOttinger
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