Backlinks to OpalsBaby in Lansing Web (Search all webs)

Results from Lansing web retrieved at 19:24 (GMT)

Aaron Herrbach On our 10 20 30 page of frequent contributors to Lansing theater, as Production Team Production Team * Waiting for Godot (RWT 2001) Lightin...
Becky Hicks BECKY HICKS Performer * Send Me No Flowers (SDT 2007) Passerby Production Team * I Do, I Do (SDT 2006) Properties, Production Assistant ...
Bill Woodland On our 10 20 30 page of frequent contributors to Lansing theater, as Production Team * Pulsar Award (2015) Special Recognition for Over 50 ...
Bob Nees On our 10 20 30 page of frequent contributors to Lansing theater, as Production Team * Barney Award You Take The Cake Award (2015) Production ...
Cathy Hansel Edgerton Director * Dearly Beloved (SDT 2008) with Linda M. Granger Performer * Send Me No Flowers (SDT 2007) Woman Shopper * Dearly Bel...
Dave Dunckel Performer * Glengarry Glen Ross (RWT 1994) Moss * Crimes of the Heart (RWT 1994) Doc Porter * The Trip to Bountiful (RWT 1999) Ludie ...
Diane Erley Production Team * It Had to be You (SDT 2006) Backstage Assistance * Send Me No Flowers (SDT 2007) Production Assistant/Dresser * Picnic...
Elizabeth Todd Performer * Crazy For You (LCP 2001) Mitzi * Our Town (RWT 2001) Samantha Craig * Folles (LCP 2001) Helena * The Man Who Cam...
Jane Zussman As Jane Shipley until 1992 On our 10 20 30 page of frequent contributors to Lansing theater, in all categories * Thespie Award Robert Busby...
Jason Carlen Performer * Opal's Baby (SDT 2008) Spencer * But Why Bump Off Barnaby? (SDT 2009) Barnaby Folcey * Knock 'Em Dead (SDT 2010) Lou Dumb...
Jennifer Hatton JENNIFER HATTON Performer * Send Me No Flowers (SDT 2007) Passerby Production Team * I Do, I Do (SDT 2006) Follow Spot Operator *...
Joan Webster JOAN WEBSTER Production Team * Leading Ladies (SDT 2008) Dresser and Runner * Opal's Baby (SDT 2008) Backstage Crew/Dresser * Christm...
Kate Stevens KATE STEVENS Performer * Picnic (SDT 2007) Millie Owens * The Ransom of Red Chief (RWT 2007) Ellie * Opal's Baby (SDT 2008) Verna
Linda M. Granger Founder and Artistic Director of Starlight Dinner Theatre On our 10 20 30 page of frequent contributors to Lansing theater, in all three cat...
Mary K. Hodges Nees On our 10 20 30 page of frequent contributors to Lansing theater, as Production Team Director * I Remember Mama (LCP 2003) * Radio...
Mary Pomeroy On our 10 20 30 page of frequent contributors to Lansing theater, as Production Team Production Team * Dearly Beloved (SDT 2008) Dresser and Ru...
Opal's Husband OPAL'S HUSBAND A comedy by John Patrick Directed by Lisa Sodman Elzinga March 12, 13, 19 20, 2010 Starlight Dinner Theatre RELATED PRODUCT...
Paul Sisson Production Team * A Slight Exaggeration (RWT 1989) Set * Dames At Sea (RWT 1989) Set Construction * The Odd Couple (ARC 1990) Set Desi...
Sharon Edgerly Hanratty Production Team * I Do, I Do (SDT 2006) Program Designer * It Had to be You (SDT 2006) Reservations Manager/Program Designer ...
Starlight Dinner Theatre Starlight Dinner Theatre Homepage Performances held at Waverly East Intermediate School except where noted * Thespie Award Robert B...
Stephanie Herrbach as Stephanie Cantine through 2006 Performer * Send Me No Flowers (SDT 2007) Fantasy Girl * But Why Bump Off Barnaby? (SDT 2009) Ma...
Ted Edgerton Production Team * Picnic (SDT 2007) Set Assistance * Amy's Wish (SDT 2007) Set Construction Assistant * Dearly Beloved (SDT 2008) Set ...
Virginia Granger Production Team * Lost in Yonkers (LCP 1995) Dresser * Carousel (LCP 2000) Costuming Assistant * I Do, I Do (SDT 2006) Set Dr...
Winifred Olds Winifred Olds passed away on June 20, 2013 after complications from a broken shoulder a few weeks earlier. She graced Lansing stages for an almost i...
Number of topics: 24
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