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10 20 30 This page identifies individuals who have made frequent contributions to Lansing area community theater. Some veterans with a large number of earlier cre...
A Life In The Theatre By David Mamet Directed by Bob Robinson May 19 20, 25 27, 2000 Spotlight Theatre Fitzgerald Park, Grand Ledge CAST * Richard........
A Streetcar Named Desire * By Tennessee Williams* Directed by Len Kluge March 7 10 and 14 17, 1996 Riverwalk Theatre CAST * Stella Kowalski......Kelly Gm...
All My Sons (1988) by Arthur Miller Directed by Bob Robinson July 7, 8, 9, 15 and 16, 1988 Spotlight Theatre Fitzgerald Park, Grand Ledge CAST * Joe Kel...
Angel Street (1984) By Patrick Hamilton Directed by Robert Robinson June 28, 29, 30, July 5, 6, 7, 1984 Spotlight Theatre Ledges Playhouse, Fitzgerald Park, G...
Anna Christie * By Eugene O'Neill* Directed by Bob Gras October 22 25 October 29 November 1, 1998 Riverwalk Theatre * Two Thespie Awards denoted (T) b...
Becket * by Jean Anouilh* Directed by Len Kluge and Bob Robinson March 14 17 and 21 24, 1991 Riverwalk Theatre In cooperation with Spotlight Theatre CAST ...
Bedroom Farce By Alan Ayckbourn Directed by Dan Nadon June 15 19, 1988 Spotlight Theatre ANOTHER LANSING AREA PRODUCTION OF THIS PLAY: * Bedroom Farce (...
Bob Robinson Director * Angel Street (ST 1984) * Twelve Angry Men (ST 1987) * All My Sons (ST 1988) * The Elephant Man (ST 1989) with Len Kluge * ...
Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (1987) By Tennessee Williams Directed by Len Kluge September 3, 4, 5, 11 and 12, 1987 Spotlight Theatre The Ledges Playhouse, Fitzgerald...
Coming Attractions * Written by Ted Tally* Orchestrations by Arnold Gross Directed by Mike Steinberg Oct 31 Nov 3, Nov 7 10, 1985 Okemos Barn Theatre CAST ...
Death of a Salesman (1991) By Arthur Miller Directed by Ken Beachler September 6, 7, 8, 13 14, 1991 Spotlight Theatre The Ledges Playhouse, Fitzgerald Park,...
Dracula (1995) by Hamilton Deane John L. Balderston Directed by Mary Job September 1, 2, 7, 8 9, 1995 Spotlight Theatre Fitzgerald Park, Grand Ledge CA...
Educating Rita * By Willy Russell* Directed by Jeff Magnuson October 26 29, November 2 5, 1995 Riverwalk Theatre * Two Barney Awards, denoted (B) below CA...
Extremities By William Mastrosimone Directed by Len Kluge May 31, June 1, 2 3, 1990 Spotlight Theatre Fitzgerald Park, Grand Ledge CAST * Marjorie.......
Fourth Wall By A.R. Gurney Directed by Len Kluge June 18, 23, 26, July 7, 9, 15, 24 29, 2005 Spotlight Theatre Actor's Workshop CAST * Roger......Jeff ...
Glengarry Glen Ross * By David Mamet* Directed by Len Kluge February 3 6, 10 13, 1994 Riverwalk Theatre CAST * Levene......Ken Beachler * Moss......Da...
How the Other Half Loves by Alan Ayckbourn Directed by Nan McGrady July 31, August 1, 2, 8 and 9, 1986 Spotlight Theatre Fitzgerald Park, Grand Ledge CAST ...
Inherit the Wind (1988) by Jerome Lawrence and Robert E Lee Directed by Tom Ferris March 3 6, 1988 Riverwalk Theatre in Transition Performed at Cooley Law Sch...
Long Day's Journey Into Night By Eugene O'Neill Directed by Dr. Eugene Rydahl June 19, 20, 21, 26 27, 1992 Spotlight Theatre The Ledges Playhouse, Fitzgeral...
'night, Mother By Marsha NormanDirected by Heather Lenartson Angela DaweAugust 14, 15, 20, 21, 22, 1998Spotlight TheatreFitzgerald Park, Grand Ledge CAST *...
Our Town by Thornton Wilder Directed by John Baldwin May 24 27, May 31 June 3, 2001 Riverwalk Theatre * Two Barney Awards, denoted (B) below * One Thesp...
Quilters By Molly Newman and Barbara Damashek Music and Lyrics by Barbara Damashek Directed by Bob Robinson May 21, 22, 23, 29, 30, 1992 Spotlight Theatre Th...
Revenge of the Space Pandas By David Mamet Directed by Noreen Marriott and Luan Treece May 29, 30, 31 and June 1, 1986 Spotlight Theatre Fitzgerald Park, Gran...
Romantic Comedy by Bernard Slade Directed by Roy Custer August 4, 5, 6, 12 and 13, 1988 Spotlight Theatre Fitzgerald Park, Grand Ledge CAST * Jason Carm...
Royal Gambit * by Herman Gressieker* Directed by Jeff Magnuson March 11 14 18 21, 1999 Riverwalk Theatre Main Stage CAST * King Henry VIII......Len Klu...
Seduced by Sam Shepard Directed by Len Kluge June 17, 19, 25, July 14, 17, 22, 28 30, 2005 Spotlight Theatre Actor's Workshop CAST * Luna......Wendy Ha...
Sherlock Holmes and the Crucifer of Blood By Paul Giovanni Directed by Jeff Magnuson May 26, 27, June 1, 2, 3, 1995 Spotlight Theatre Fitzgerald Park, Grand L...
Side by Side by Sondheim by Stephen Sondheim Musical Director John Dale Smith Stage Director Michael Ashton July 11, 12, 13 and 14, 1985 Spotlight Theatre Le...
Still Life Drama by Emily Mann Directed by Len Kluge June 16, 24, July 8, 10, 16, 21, 23 31, 2005 Spotlight Theatre Actor's Workshop CAST * Cheryl........
The Big Knife By Clifford Odets Directed by Bill Shipley July 10, 11, 12, 18 and 19, 1986 Spotlight Theatre Fitzgerald Park, Grand Ledge CAST * Russell....
The Deputy By Rolf Hochhuth Directed by Bill Helder September 11, 12, 17, 18 19, 1998 Spotlight Theatre Fitzgerald Park, Grand Ledge CAST * Papal Nunc...
The Elephant Man By Bernard Pomerance Directed by Bob Robinson and Len Kluge August 31, September 1, 2, 8 9, 1989 Spotlight Theatre The Ledges Playhouse, Fi...
The Elves and the Shoemaker * Book and Lyrics by Stan Gill* Music by Cindy Bright and Jeff Payne With additional lyrics by Bill Helder and music by Doug Austin ...
The Fantasticks (1986) By Tom Jones and Harvey Schmidt Directed by John Dale Smith and Philip Dale Huber June 12, 12, 14, 15, 20 and 21, 1986 Spotlight Theatre...
The Glass Menagerie By Tennessee WilliamsDirected by Len KlugeJune 19 20, 25 27, 1998Spotlight TheatreFitzgerald Park, Grand Ledge CAST * The Mother......Amy...
The Philadelphia Story By Phillip Barry Directed by Bruce Bennett August 6, 7, 8, 14 15, 1992 Spotlight Theatre Fitzgerald Park, Grand Ledge CAST * Di...
The Rainmaker * By N. Richard Nash* Directed by Mona Gille October 2, 3, 9, 10, 11, 1992 Lansing Civic Players Performed at the William J Helder Auditorium H...
Twelve Angry Men (1987) By Sherman L. Sergel Adapted from the television show by Reginald Rose Directed by Bob Robinson June 11, 12, 123, 19 and 20, 1987 Spot...
Venues LEDGES PLAYHOUSE Nestled in the picturesque Fitzgerald Park in Grand Ledge, the 348 seat Ledges Playhouse was originally constructed in 1895 and has been...
LANSING COMMUNITY THEATRE DATABASE Welcome! Here you can find a cross referenced database containing shows, directors, performers and crew members from Lansing ar...
Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf * Written by Edward Albee* Directed by Len Kluge February 6 9 and 13 16, 1997 Riverwalk Theatre * Two Thespie Awards, denoted...
Number of topics: 42

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