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Aaron Herrbach On our 10 20 30 page of frequent contributors to Lansing theater, as Production Team Production Team * Waiting for Godot (RWT 2001) Lightin...
Becky Hicks BECKY HICKS Performer * Send Me No Flowers (SDT 2007) Passerby Production Team * I Do, I Do (SDT 2006) Properties, Production Assistant ...
Bill Woodland On our 10 20 30 page of frequent contributors to Lansing theater, as Production Team * Pulsar Award (2015) Special Recognition for Over 50 ...
Cathy Hansel Edgerton Director * Dearly Beloved (SDT 2008) with Linda M. Granger Performer * Send Me No Flowers (SDT 2007) Woman Shopper * Dearly Bel...
Darrin Fowler Director * Heidi (RWT 2006) with Sarah Fowler Performer * Happily Ever After...and After (RWT 2001) Ensemble * Waiting for Godot (R...
Diane Erley Production Team * It Had to be You (SDT 2006) Backstage Assistance * Send Me No Flowers (SDT 2007) Production Assistant/Dresser * Picnic...
Elizabeth Todd Performer * Crazy For You (LCP 2001) Mitzi * Our Town (RWT 2001) Samantha Craig * Folles (LCP 2001) Helena * The Man Who Cam...
Helen Miller HELEN MILLER Production Team * It Had to be You (SDT 2006) Poster and Program Cover Design * Working (SDT 2007) Poster and Program Cover...
Jan Ross Director * Steel Magnolias (SDT 2012) with Linda Granger Performer * Amy's Wish (SDT 2007) Irma Fry * Opal's Husband (SDT 2010) Velma Lemo...
Jennifer Hatton JENNIFER HATTON Performer * Send Me No Flowers (SDT 2007) Passerby Production Team * I Do, I Do (SDT 2006) Follow Spot Operator *...
Linda M. Granger Founder and Artistic Director of Starlight Dinner Theatre On our 10 20 30 page of frequent contributors to Lansing theater, in all three cat...
Marella Robinson Performer * Social Security (LCP 1992) Barbara Kahn * The Miracle Worker (LCP 1994) Aunt Ev * The Cemetery Club (LCP 1994) Mildre...
Monty Bieber MONTY BIEBER Performer * Arsenic and Old Lace (LCP 2003) Rev. Dr. Harper * The Fantasticks (LCP 2004) Bellomy * The Little Foxes (LCP...
Ron McNeill Performer * Desk Set (OBT 1985) Abe Cutler * Plain and Fancy (OBT 1986) Dan King * The Fantasticks (ST 1986) The Girl's Father (Bellem...
Sarah Fowler as Sarah Zelenka through 2002 Director * Heidi (RWT 2006) with Darrin Fowler Performer * Happily Ever After...and After (RWT 2001) En...
Sharon Edgerly Hanratty Production Team * I Do, I Do (SDT 2006) Program Designer * It Had to be You (SDT 2006) Reservations Manager/Program Designer ...
Starlight Dinner Theatre Starlight Dinner Theatre Homepage Performances held at Waverly East Intermediate School except where noted * Thespie Award Robert B...
Steven Edgerly Performer * Man of La Mancha (RWT 1994) Moorish Singer, Flamenco Singer, Chorus * Firehouse Follies (LCP 1998) Ensemble, Octet * Ca...
Ted Edgerton Production Team * Picnic (SDT 2007) Set Assistance * Amy's Wish (SDT 2007) Set Construction Assistant * Dearly Beloved (SDT 2008) Set ...
Number of topics: 19

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