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Results from Lansing web retrieved at 06:28 (GMT)

Allan I. Ross Author * False Echoes (IF 2008) Director * Tempting Fate (IF 2008) "Bad Guys" * Power Plays (IF 2010) Performer * Howya Doin' Frank...
Amy Winchell Performer * sex (IF 2007) Melody/LaBelle * Valparaiso (IF 2007) Delfina Treadwell * Tempting Fate (IF 2008) Philistin...
Andy Houghton Author * Think Thank Thunk (IF 2004) Director * The Odd Couple (BCTG 2001) * Catch 22 (BCTG 2003) * Trunk (IF 2004) * Death...
Char'Tavia Mushatt CHAR'TAVIA MUSHATT Performer * Valparaiso (IF 2007) Chorus
Forrest West Performer * Let's Get a Divorce (RWT 2000) Policeman * Breaking the Code (LCP 2002) John Smith * The Crucible (BCTG 2002) Reverend Ha...
Fred Longacre On our 10 20 30 page of frequent contributors to Lansing theater, as Production Team Director * All My Sons (BCTG 2003) * Keely Du (IF 20...
Gini Larson On our 10 20 30 page of frequent contributors to Lansing theater, as Performer Performer * Li'l Abner (RWT 1992) Moonbeam McSwine (Lansing ...
Icarus Falling * Thespie Award Special Award (2002) "for groups that tried bold and controversial shows." Specifically, for "consistently strong dramas in in...
Jack Dowd On our 10 20 30 page of frequent contributors to Lansing theater, as Performer Director * To Gillian on Her 37th Birthday (BCTG 1997) * 12 A...
jeff croff Co Founder and Artistic Director of Icarus Falling Founder and Artistic Director of Ixion Theatre Ensemble On our 10 20 30 page of frequent contr...
Kelly Stuible Clark Director * Urinetown (HDCP 2009) * Company (HDCP 2012) * Spring Awakening (RWT 2012) * Barney Award Director, Musical ...
Kevin Raleigh KEVIN RALEIGH Performer * Twelfth Night (RWT 2002) Sebastian * Valparaiso (IF 2002) Teddy Production Team * Twelfth Night (RWT 20...
Kilashandra Waters as Kilashandra DePauw in 2007 Performer * Valparaiso (IF 2007) Chorus * Drag (RWT 2010) Julie Wells
Kirsten West as Kirsten Wilcox (through 2001) and Kirsten Spichiger (2001 2004) On our 10 20 30 page of frequent contributors to Lansing theater, as Producti...
Laura Croff As Laura Thompson through 2000 On our 10 20 30 page of frequent contributors to Lansing theater, as Performer * Thespie Award Special Award ...
Mallory Dowd Performer * The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (LCP 1999) Amy Lawrence * To Gillian on Her 37th Birthday (LCP 2000) Cindy * Thespie Award ...
Markitwia Jackson Performer * Raised in Captivity (IF 2003) Dylan/Roger * A Cure for the Valentine's Hangover (IF 2005) Audience, Rabbi Prince * Lak...
MaryAnn Mendrea Director * Sight Unseen (BCTG 2004) Production Team * Sexual Perversity in Chicago/Bondage (IF 2001) Stage Manager * 2001: A Space Od...
Mary Bailey Performer * Valparaiso (IF 2002) Interviewer, Chorus * Fools (BCTG 2002) Lenya Zubritsky * All My Sons (BCTG 2003) Ann Deaver Product...
Rebecca Tremble Performer * One Night Stand (IF 2006) Nikki, Barskanks 2 3, Ruth * Ctrl Alt Delete (IF 2006) Toria Bruno * Fatal Error (IF 2007) ...
Richard C. Redman Director * The Lion In Winter (SDT 2020) Performer * The Lion in Winter (LCP 1997) Richard Lionheart * To Gillian on Her 37th Birt...
Sara Frank Hepfer Director * Howya Doin' Franky Banana? (IF 2003) * Dreams (ITE 2021) "Goodmares" Performer * A Midsummer Night's Dream (SWS 1999...
T.E. Klunzinger Sometimes credited as Thomas McCurdy On our 10 20 30 page of frequent contributors to Lansing theater, as Performer Author * Beloved Friend...
Valparaiso 2002 a play by Don DeLillo Directed by Jeff Croff June, 2002 Icarus Falling CAST * Michael Majeski......Jack Dowd * Livia Majeski......Sara...
Veronica Gracia Wing As Veronica Wing Quick 2005 2008 Director * The Full Monty (RWT 2007) * Barney Award Director, Musical * The Full Monty (RWT...
Number of topics: 25
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