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Results from Lansing web retrieved at 07:14 (GMT)

Anne of Green Gables Based on the novel by L. M. Montgomery Dramatized by Joseph Robinette Directed by Tom Ferris (B) July 7 10 14 17, 2005 Riverwalk Theatr...
Annie A Musical Based on the Comic Strip by Harold Gray Book by Thomas Meehan / Music by Charles Strouse / Lyrics by Martin Charnin Directed by Daniel G. Pappas...
Beau Jest (1997) * A Comedy by James Sherman* Directed by Annette Jacobs September 11 14, 18 21 and 25 28, 1997 Riverwalk Theatre * Two Barney Awards, den...
Carousel * Rodgers and Hammerstein Musical* Directed by Linda Granger Music Director, Stephanie Gewirtz Choreographer, Stephen Morrin February 11 13, 18 20, 2...
Cinderella1999 A Children's Musical Comedy by Stan Gill Directed by Dan Pappas November 26 December 12, 1999 Riverwalk Theatre * Thespie Award Childre...
Done to Death * By Fred Carmichael* Directed by Jane Shipley Zussman January 30 February 7, 1998 Lansing Civic Players Performed at Catholic Central High Scho...
I Remember Mama A comedy by John van Druten Directed by Mary K. Hodges Nees September 12 14 19 21, 2003 Lansing Civic Players Performed at Hannah Community ...
Jest A Second! * By J*a*mes Sherman* Directed by Annette Jacobs August 6 9 13 16, 1998 Riverwalk Theatre RELATED PRODUCTION: * Beau Jest (RWT 1997) ...
Laughter on the 23rd Floor * by Neil Simon* Directed by Merrill Wyble May 13 16, 20 23, 1999 Riverwalk Theatre Main Stage CAST * Lucas......Martin Fashba...
Little Red Riding Hood Written by Stan Gill Directed by Bill Helder Music Direction by Doug Austin November 29 December 1, December 6 8 December 13 15, 2002 ...
Oliver! A musical by Lionel Bart Directed by Dan Pappas (T) Jane Shipley Zussman (T) Doug Austin, Music Director D. Thomas, Choreographer February 1 11, 200...
Proposals * Comedy by Neil Simon* Directed by Merrill Wyble September 22 24, 29 October 1, 2000 Lansing Civic Players Performed at Catholic Central High Schoo...
Radio T.B.S. RADIO T.B.S. Comedy by Mark Landon Smith Directed by Mary K. Hodges Nees October 22 24 29 31, 2004 Lansing Civic Players Performed at Hannah C...
She's Your Mother! * A New Comedy by Roger Rochowiak Bill Helder* Directed by Bill Helder July 10 13, 17 20, 1997 Riverwalk Theatre * One Barney Award den...
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs A Children's Musical Comedy by Stan Gill and Cindy Bright Directed by Edric Spivey Musical Director Doug Austin November 23 25,...
The Emperor's New Clothes * A Children's Musical Comedy by Stan Gill Cindy Bright* Directed by Bill Helder with Music Direction by Doug Austin November 27 Dec...
The Last Night of Ballyhoo * Pulitzer Prize Winning Comedy Drama by Alfred Uhry* Directed by Merrill Wyble May 12 13 19 21, 2000 Lansing Civic Players Perfo...
The Pushcart War A musical by Edric Haleen Based on the novel by Jean Merrill Directed by Edric Haleen July 27 August 6, 2006 Holt Technological Society Perf...
The Secret Garden * Francis Hodgson Burnett's Enchanting Classic* Adapted by Sylvia Ashby Directed by Mona Gille September 17 19, 24 26, 1999 Lansing Civic Pl...
The Trip to Bountiful By Horton Foote Directed by Bob Gras September 9 12, 16 19, 1999 Riverwalk Theatre * Two Thespie Awards, denoted (T) below CAST ...
Waiting in the Wings * Comedy by Noel Coward* Directed by Merrill Wyble June 7 9 14 16, 2002 Lansing Civic Players Performed at Hannah Community Center, Eas...
Number of topics: 21

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