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A Grand Night for Singing Music by Richard Rogers / Lyrics by Oscar Hammerstein II Musical Arrangements by Fred Wells / Orchestrations by Michael Gibson and Jona...
A Murder is Announced Mystery by Agatha Christie, adapted by Leslie Darbon Directed by Lisa Sodman Elzinga March 11 12 18 19. 2011 Starlight Dinner Theatre ...
A Tuna Christmas A TUNA CHRISTMAS Comedy by Ed Howard, Joe Sears Jaston Williams Directed by Rick Dethlefsen December 3, 4, 10 11, 2010 Starlight Dinner T...
Accommodations ACCOMMODATIONS A romantic comedy by Nick Hall Directed by Jane Goebel February 6, 7, 13, 14, 2009 Starlight Dinner Theatre CAST * Tracy.....
Amadeus By Peter ShafferDirected by Amy RickettMarch 14 17 21 24, 2024Riverwalk Theatre * Three Thespie Awards including one shared award, denoted (T) below ...
Amy's Wish AMY'S WISH A romantic comedy by Tom Sharkey Directed by Linda M. Granger November 9, 10, 16 17, 2007 Starlight Dinner Theatre CAST * Sam Ga...
Bell Book Candle A comedy in three acts by John Van DrutenDirected by Amy RickettSeptember 22 25, 29 30, October 1 2Riverwalk Theatre Black Box * Two Thespie...
But Why Bump Off Barnaby? A mystery farce by Rick Abbot Directed by Linda M. Granger April 24, 25, May 1, 2, 2009 Starlight Dinner Theatre CAST * Medkins....
Butterflies Are Free * By Leonard Gershe* Directed by Linda M. Granger March 7 8 14 15, 2014 Starlight Dinner Theater * One Thespie Award, denoted (T) ...
Calendar Girls Based on the Miramax motion picture by Juliette Towhidi and Tim Firth Directed by Kristine ThatcherOctober 12 13, 19 21, 2018 Starlight Dinner Thea...
Camelot * Book and Lyrics by Alan Jay Lerner* Music by Frederick Loewe Directed by Linda M. Granger Musical Direction by James Geer Choreography by Elizabeth ...
Catch Me If You Can Book by Terrence McNally Music by Marc Shaiman; Lyrics by Scott Wittman and Marc Shaiman Directed by Jane Falion with Music Director John D...
Christmas Belles A comedy by Jessie Jones, Nicholas Hope and Jamie Wooten Directed by Connie Curran Oesterle December 5, 6, 12 13, 2008 Starlight Dinner Thea...
Crazy Little Thing Called Love * WORLD PREMIERE COMEDY* By Jessie Jones, Nicholas Hope and Jamie Wooten Directed by Linda M. Granger October 11 12 18 19, 201...
Dearly Beloved DEARLY BELOVED A comedy by Jessie Jones, Nicholas Hope and Jamie Wooten Directed by Linda M. Granger and Cathy Hansel Edgerton February 8, 9, 15...
Farce of Habit Written by Jessie Jones, Nicholas Hope and Jamie Wooten Directed by Michael Hays October 27 28 November 3 5, 2017 Starlight Dinner Theatre ...
For You(r) Mom * Songs and Dance from the 30's, 40's and 50's* Produced by Linda Granger Musical Director Takis Pizanis February 12, 13 and 14, 2016 Starlight...
Happy Days Malt Shop Memories from the 1950s A musical revue produced by Linda Granger Dan Templin Music Direction by James Geer Choreography by Fran Ludingt...
Harvey (2022) Play by Mary ChaseDirected by David L. OswaldApril 29 30, May 1; May 6 7, 2022Starlight Dinner TheatreGrand Ledge High School Auditorium CAST * ...
It's a Wonderful Life A musical by Thomas M. Sharkey Directed by Linda M. Granger Music Director James Geer Choreographer Theda Assiff December 4, 5, 11 12,...
Knock 'Em Dead A whodunit comedy by Tom Oldendick and Will Roberson Directed by Terry Jones May 7, 8, 14 15, 2010 Starlight Dinner Theatre CAST * Lou D...
Leading Ladies LEADING LADIES A comic farce by Ken Ludwig Directed by Linda M. Granger April 25, 26 and May 2, 3, 2008 Starlight Dinner Theatre CAST * M...
Let's Murder Marsha * By Jack Sharkey* Directed by Susan Chmurynsky March 16, 17, 23 24, 2012 Starlight Dinner Theater CAST * Tobias Gilmore......Bob P...
Lily the Felon's Daughter (2018) A Melodrama by Tom Taggart Directed by Susan Chmurynsky March 15 18 22 25, 2018 Riverwalk Theatre * One Barney Award, de...
Linda M. Granger Founder and Artistic Director of Starlight Dinner Theatre On our 10 20 30 page of frequent contributors to Lansing theater, in all three cat...
Man of La Mancha (2017) * Book by Dale Wasserman* Music by Mitch Leigh Lyrics by Joe Darion Directed by Linda Granger Musical Direction by James Geer Choreog...
Moonlight Serenade An Evening of Music with the Stars August 26 27, 2011 Starlight Dinner Theatre PERFORMERS * Colleen Bethea * Clare Brennan * Ab...
Nuncrackers (2015) Book and Lyrics by Dan Goggin Directed by Jane Zussman November 6 8 13 15, 2015 Starlight Dinner Theatre RELATED PRODUCTION: * Nuns...
Nunsense The Mega Musical * Book, Music and Lyrics by Dan Goggin* Directed by Susan DeRosa May 9 10 16 17, 2014 Starlight Dinner Theatre CAST * Reveren...
One Slight Hitch A romantic comedy by Lewis Black Directed by Mona Gille May 4 6, 11 12, 2018 Starlight Dinner Theatre CAST * Doc Coleman......Chris Kl...
Opal's Husband OPAL'S HUSBAND A comedy by John Patrick Directed by Lisa Sodman Elzinga March 12, 13, 19 20, 2010 Starlight Dinner Theatre RELATED PRODUCT...
Red, White Tuna * By Jaston Williams, Joe Sears and Ed Howard* Directed by Bob Robinson March 4 5 11, 12, 13, 2016 Starlight Dinner Theatre RELATED PRODU...
Something's Afoot Book, music and lyrics by James McDonald, David Vos and Robert GerlachAdditional music by Ed LindermanDirector and Choreographer Kelly Stuible C...
Southern Hospitality SOUTHERN HOSPITALITY A comedy by Jessie Jones, Nicholas Hope and Jamie Wooten Directed by Mark Cosgrove and Linda M. Granger October 2, 3,...
Starry Night A musical revue Directed by Linda M. Granger August 21 22, 2009 Starlight Dinner Theatre Special Event RELATED PRODUCTION: * Starry Night...
Starry Night II A musical revue Directed by Linda M. Granger October 1, 2, 8 9, 2010 Starlight Dinner Theatre RELATED PRODUCTION: * Starry Night (SDT ...
Steel Magnolias (2012) * By Robert Harling* Directed by Linda Granger and Jan Ross October 19, 20, 26 27, 2012 Starlight Dinner Theatre * Three Thespie...
The Curious Savage (2013) * By John Patrick* Directed by Harlow Claggett March 8, 9, 15 16, 2013 Starlight Dinner Theatre * One Thespie Award, denoted (T...
The Fox on the Fairway * by Ken Ludwig* Directed by Linda M. Granger May 10, 11, 17 18, 2013 Starlight Dinner Theater CAST * Justin Hicks......Jeff Ken...
The Garage Sale * By Jane Shipley Zussman* Directed by Linda Granger March 13, 14, 15 20, 2015 Starlight Dinner Theatre * One Thespie Award (shared), den...
The Hallelujah Girls By Jessie Jones, Nicholas Hope and Jamie Wooten Directed by Mark Cosgrove and Linda M. Granger May 6, 7, 13 14, 2011 Starlight Dinner Th...
The Lion In Winter (2020 and 2021) by James GoldmanDirected by Richard RedmanMarch 6 7, 2020, November 12 13 19 20, 2021Starlight Dinner Theatre2021 production ...
The Odd Couple By Neil Simon Directed by Linda M. Granger October 14,15, 21 22, 2011 Starlight Dinner Theatre ANOTHER LANSING PRODUCTION OF THIS SHOW: ...
The Odd Couple (2016) * Female Version by Neil Simon* Directed by Lisa Sodman Elzinga October 14 15, 21 22, 23, 2016 Starlight Dinner Theatre CAST * Oliv...
The Red Velvet Cake War * By Jessie Jones, Nicholas Hope Jamie Wooten* Directed by Lisa Sodman Elzinga May 11, 12, 18 19, 2012 Starlight Dinner Theatre ...
West Side Story (2022) Book by Arthur LaurentsMusic by Leonard BernsteinLyrics by Stephen SondheimDirected by Linda GrangerMusical Directior Jeff EnglishChoreogra...
What Is Susan's Secret? * An American Farce by Michael and Susan Parker* Directed by Lisa Sodman Elzinga October 17 18 24 25 26, 2014 Starlight Dinner Theatr...
You Can't Take It With You * By Moss Hart and George S. Kaufman* Directed by Diana Lett April 22 23 29, 30, May 1, 2016 Starlight Dinner Theatre * One ...
Number of topics: 48

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