Amadeus By Peter ShafferDirected by Amy RickettMarch 14 17 21 24, 2024Riverwalk Theatre * Three Thespie Awards including one shared award, denoted (T) below ...
Beautiful: The Carole King Musical Book by Douglas McGrathMusic by Carole King, Gerry Goffin, Barry Mann and Cynthia WeillDirected by Meghan Eldred WoolseySeptebe...
Bell Book Candle A comedy in three acts by John Van DrutenDirected by Amy RickettSeptember 22 25, 29 30, October 1 2Riverwalk Theatre Black Box * Two Thespie...
Best of Friends Comedy by Jeff Daniels Directed by Bob Robinson (B) May 28 31 June 4 7, 2015 Riverwalk Theatre * Barney Award Ensemble, Drama/Comedy ...
Buried Child * by Sam Shepard* Directed by Janet Colson January 18 21 25 28, 2018 Riverwalk Theatre * One Thespie Award, denoted (T) below * Four Barn...
Child's Play Psychological Drama by Robert Marasco Directed by Amy Rickett October 3 5 10 12, 2014 Riverwalk Theatre Black Box CAST * Paul Reese......M...
Doubt Drama by John Patrick ShanleyDirected by Bob RobinsonOctober 7 10, 14 17, 2021Riverwalk Theatre CAST * Father Flynn......Adam Woolsey * Sisyer Aloys...
Fortinbras FORTINBRAS Comedy by Lee Blessing Directed by Ken Beachler October 1 3 8 10, 2010 Riverwalk Theatre Black Box * One Thespie Award, denoted...
Last of the Red Hot Lovers By Neil Simon Directed by Bob Robinson August 13 14, 19 21, 1999 Spotlight Theatre Fitzgerald Park, Grand Ledge CAST * Barney...
Man from Nebraska MAN FROM NEBRASKA By Tracy Letts Directed by Addiann Hinds January 25 28 February 1 4, 2007 Riverwalk Theatre Main Stage * Three Ba...
Morning's at Seven By Paul Osborn Directed by Ken Beachler July 18 19, 24 26, 1999 Spotlight Theatre Fitzgerald Park, Grand Ledge CAST * Theodore Swanso...
Royal Gambit * by Herman Gressieker* Directed by Jeff Magnuson March 11 14 18 21, 1999 Riverwalk Theatre Main Stage CAST * King Henry VIII......Len Klu...
Steel Magnolias By Robert HarlingDirected by Meghan Eldred Woolsey (B)April 13 16 20 23, 2023Riverwalk Theatre Black Box * Two Thespie Awardsm denoted (T) be...
Still Life Drama by Emily Mann Directed by Len Kluge June 16, 24, July 8, 10, 16, 21, 23 31, 2005 Spotlight Theatre Actor's Workshop CAST * Cheryl........
Superior Donuts * Provocative Comedy by Tracy Letts* Directed by Amy Rickett February 16 19 23 26, 2017 Riverwalk Theatre * One Thespie Award denoted (...
Telling Lives * A Memory Play by Faye Sholiton* Directed by Jeff Magnuson May 9 11 16 18, 2014 Riverwalk Theatre Black Box CAST * Geri......Amy Rickett...
The Deputy By Rolf Hochhuth Directed by Bill Helder September 11, 12, 17, 18 19, 1998 Spotlight Theatre Fitzgerald Park, Grand Ledge CAST * Papal Nunc...
The Diary of Anne Frank (2015) * Drama by Frances Goodrich and Albert Hackett* Directed by Janet Colson October 22 25 and October 29 November 1, 2015 Riverwalk...
The Elephant Man By Bernard PomeranceDirected by Amy RickettMarch 14 24, 2019Riverwalk Theatre * Two Barney Awards, denoted (B) below * The Elephant Man was...
The Glass Menagerie By Tennessee WilliamsDirected by Len KlugeJune 19 20, 25 27, 1998Spotlight TheatreFitzgerald Park, Grand Ledge CAST * The Mother......Amy...
The Women of Lockerbie * Drama by Deborah Brevoort* Directed by Amy Rickett March 4 6 11 13, 2016 Riverwalk Theatre Black Box * One Thespie Award for Ens...
Two by Two Music by Richard Rogers Lurics by Martin Charnin Book by Peter Stone Directed by Diana Lett May 21, 22, 3, 27, 28 29, 1999 Spotlight Theatre Fi...