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Results from Lansing web retrieved at 20:17 (GMT)

Purlie * Music by Gary Geld Lyrics by Peter Udell* Book by Ossie Davis, Philip Rose and Peter Udell Directed by Wardell "Sunny" Watson, Jr. May 20 23, 27 30, J...
Sala Cinderella Written by Karen Jones Meadows Directed by Claudia J. Allen March 10 12, 17 19, 2000 Riverwalk Theatre * Thespie Award Special Award f...
Steal Away * By Ramona King* Directed by Vanessa Cunningham Sanders April 6 9, 13 15, 1995 Riverwalk Theatre CAST * Stella......Linda Lee * TracyAda.....
The Amen Corner * By James Baldwin* Directed by Robert Gordon October 24 November 3, 1991 Riverwalk Theatre CAST * Margaret Anderson......Regina Lewis Ri...
Number of topics: 4
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