Backlinks to TimTavano in Lansing Web (Search all webs)

Results from Lansing web retrieved at 21:02 (GMT)

A Day in Hollywood / A Night in the Ukraine Book and Lyrics by Dick Vosburgh Music by Frank Lazarus Directed by Connie Curran Oesterle Music Director Kay Young...
Angel Street (1984) By Patrick Hamilton Directed by Robert Robinson June 28, 29, 30, July 5, 6, 7, 1984 Spotlight Theatre Ledges Playhouse, Fitzgerald Park, G...
Desk Set By William Marchant Directed by Phil Huber December 5 8, 12 15, 1985 Okemos Barn Theatre CAST * Sadel Meyer......Chrisanne Eastwood * Peg Cost...
How the Other Half Loves by Alan Ayckbourn Directed by Nan McGrady July 31, August 1, 2, 8 and 9, 1986 Spotlight Theatre Fitzgerald Park, Grand Ledge CAST ...
Man of La Mancha (1985) Written by Dale Wasserman Music by Mitch Leigh Lyrics by Joe Darion Directed by Roy Custer Music Director Jeff English September 26 2...
Star Spangled Girl By Neil SimonDirected by Jane ShipleyJune 13 16, 20 23, 1985Okemos Barn Theatre CAST * Andy Hobart......James Hoffmaster * Norman Corne...
The Chalk Garden By Enid Bagnold Directed by Arthur Athanason March 6 9, 13 16, 1986 Okemos Barn Theatre CAST * Miss Madrigal......Yasmin Richmond * M...
The Gingerbread Witch By William J. Helder and Susan Tchudi Directed by Bill Helder April 11 13, 18 20, 1986 Okemos Barn Theatre RELATED SHOWS: * Witche...
Number of topics: 8
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