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Results from Lansing web retrieved at 17:54 (GMT)

Adriana Flores Performer * The Great American Trailer Park Musical (OTL 2019) Pickles * Thespie Award Featured Actress, Musical Production Team *...
Ashley Hampton Production Team * She Loves Me (RWT 2017) Costume Assistant * Bud, Not Buddy (RWT 2018) Costume Design * Barney Award Backstage ...
Chelsea Witgen Performer * Reasons To Be Pretty (PCTC 2010) Steph * Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead (RWT 2012) Ophelia * Dancing at Lughnasa (...
Connor Kelly Performer * One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (RWT 2016) Billy Bibbit * Beyond Therapy (RWT 2016) Andrew * Heathers the Musical (PCTC 201...
Edward Heldt Performer * Sweat (RWT 2019) Oscar * West Side Story (SDT 2022) Action * Incognito (ITE 2022) Actor 4 * The Minutes (PCTC 2...
Emily Willemese Production Team * Sweat (RWT 2019) Scenic Design, Scenic Painter
George Popovich Director * Shakespeare In Love (PCTC 2018) * Sweat (RWT 2019) * Lobby Hero (RWT 2022) Production Team * Shakespeare In Love (PCTC...
Jenny Popovich Production Team * Shakespeare In Love (PCTC 2018) Dialect Coach * Sweat (RWT 2019) Stage Manager, Costume Assistant, Properties Desi...
Julian Van Dyke Performer * Bus Stop (RWT 2003) Will Masters * Cobb (RWT 2006) Oscar Charleston * Bud, Not Buddy (RWT 2018) Doug the Thug ...
Lekeathon Wilson Performer * The Laramie Project (DET 2017) Ensemble * Broke ology (ITE 2018) Malcolm King * Pulsar Award Supporting Actor,...
Leo Poroshin Director * Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead (RWT 2012) * Barney Award Director, Play * The Real Thing (RWT 2013) * Welcome to ...
Leon Green On our 10 20 30 page of frequent contributors to Lansing theater, as Production Team Production Team * Smokey Joe's Cafe (RWT 2012) Sound Technic...
Leroy Cupp On our 10 20 30 page of frequent contributors to Lansing theater, as Production Team * Barney Award President's Award (2007) * Barney Award...
Lillian Nash Performer * Charlotte's Web (RWT 2013) Baby Wilbur, Nellie Production Team * Sweat (RWT 2019) Sound Board Operator
Madeline Nash Performer * August: Osage County (RWT 2013) Barbara Fordham * Sweat (RWT 2019) Jessie * Thespie Award Featured Actress, Play ...
Matthew Kowalcyzk Production Team * Sweat (RWT 2019) Fight Director * Thespie Award Fight Choreography (non professional)
Maureen Sawdon Performer * Noises Off (RWT 2018) Belinda Blair, Flavia Brent * Sweat (RWT 2019) Tracey * Turn, Turn, Turn (ITE 2020) "All Syste...
Rachel Kay Production Team * Chitty Chitty Bang Bang (RWT 2019) Costume Assistant * Hairspray (RWT 2019) Costume Assistant * Pippin (RWT 2019) Cost...
Rita Sobish As Rita Deibler through 2021 On our 10 20 30 page of frequent contributors to Lansing theater, as Production Team Director * Julius Caesar (SWS 20...
Riverwalk Theatre * Thespie Award Special Award "for a big step up in its printed programs" (2024) Riverwalk Theatre Homepage CURRENT SEASON For Community ...
Rose Jangmi Cooper Director * Hope (ITE 2019) * Ernie's Life (RWT 2021) * Fabulation or the Re Education of Undine (RWT 2022) * When I Come to Di...
Scott Pohl Director * Art (RWT 2022) Performer * Buried Child (RWT 2018) Father Dewis * Sweat (RWT 2019) Stan * Misery (RWT 2023) ...
Theresa Dunn Production Team * Bud, Not Buddy (RWT 2018) Costume Assistant * Monty Python's Spamalot (RWT 2018) Costume Assistant * Jekyll Hyde (R...
Tom Ferris Sometimes billed as Guiseppe Ravioli On our 10 20 30 page of frequent contributors to Lansing theater, as Director and Production Team * Barney...
Tricia Rogers Director * All Together Now! (RWT 2021) Performer * Pippin (RWT 2019) Fastrada * Barney Award Supporting Actress, Musical * You'...
Number of topics: 25
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