Backlinks to SueNewberry in Lansing Web (Search all webs)

Results from Lansing web retrieved at 21:28 (GMT)

Barefoot in the Park By Neil Simon Directed by Lisa Martin and Michael Sermon July 6, 7, 8, 14 15, 1989 Spotlight Theatre Fitzgerald Park, Grand Ledge A...
Dames At Sea * By George Haimsohn* Directed by Roy Custer October 22 29, 1989* Riverwalk Theatre CAST * Mona Kent......Cindy Lyons Miller * Joan.........
My Three Angels (1989) * By Sam and Bella Spewack* Directed by Bob Robinson November 9 19, 1989 Riverwalk Theatre CAST * Felix Ducotel......Lewis Gentry ...
The Elephant Man By Bernard Pomerance Directed by Bob Robinson and Len Kluge August 31, September 1, 2, 8 9, 1989 Spotlight Theatre The Ledges Playhouse, Fi...
Number of topics: 4
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