Backlinks to SimonSwegles in all Webs (Search Lansing Web only)

Results from Lansing web retrieved at 13:38 (GMT)

Folles * A Byzantine Musical for the New Millennium by T.E. Klunzinger* Directed by Todd A. Heywood Music Director Christopher R. Hill Orchestrations and Addit...
Sweeney Todd * Music and lyrics by Stephen Sondheim* Book by Hugh Wheeler Based on the book by Christopher Bond Directed by Jeffrey A.S. Brenner Music Directo...
The Boy Friend * Book, Music Lyrics by Sandy Wilson* Directed by Bob Gras January 31, February 1, 2, 7, 8, 9, 1997 Lansing Civic Players Performed at Lansin...
The Hunchback of Notre Dame A new musical for adults by T.E. Klunzinger Orchestrations and Additional Music by Paul J. Reekie July 8 25, 1999 Riverwalk Theatre...
Number of topics: 4

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