Backlinks to SamTallerico in all Webs (Search Lansing Web only)

Results from Lansing web retrieved at 03:16 (GMT)

Revenge of the Space Pandas By David Mamet Directed by Noreen Marriott and Luan Treece May 29, 30, 31 and June 1, 1986 Spotlight Theatre Fitzgerald Park, Gran...
The Fantasticks (1986) By Tom Jones and Harvey Schmidt Directed by John Dale Smith and Philip Dale Huber June 12, 12, 14, 15, 20 and 21, 1986 Spotlight Theatre...
Twelve Angry Men (1987) By Sherman L. Sergel Adapted from the television show by Reginald Rose Directed by Bob Robinson June 11, 12, 123, 19 and 20, 1987 Spot...
Number of topics: 3

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