Backlinks to RobertThomas in all Webs (Search Lansing Web only)

Results from Lansing web retrieved at 07:11 (GMT)

Big River (1993) By William Hauptman Composer and Lyricist Roger Miller Directed by Kenneth J. Wheeler March 19, 20, 21, 26, 27, 28, 1993 Lansing Civic Player...
Catch Me If You Can * by Robert Thomas* adapted from the French version by Jack Weinstock and Willie Gilbert Directed by Judy Such January 19 21 and 26 28, 20...
Once Upon a Mattress (1991) * Book by Jay Thompson, Marshall Barer and Dean Fuller* Music by Mary Rogers Lyrics by Marshall Barer Directed by Kenneth J. Wheele...
The Real Inspector Hound * By Tom Stoppard* Directed by Kenn Wheeler February 4 7, 11 14, 1993 Riverwalk Theatre CAST * Magnus......William T. Egan * ...
Number of topics: 4

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