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Results from Lansing web retrieved at 22:12 (GMT)

And Then There Were None A mystery by Agatha Christie Directed by Harlow M. Claggett October 20 22 27 29, 2006 Lansing Civic Players Performed at Hannah Com...
Beau Jest Romantic comedy by James Sherman Directed by D.J. Morgan May 12 14 19 21, 2006 Lansing Civic Players Performed at Hannah Community Center, East La...
Heaven Can Wait * By Harry Segall* Directed by Mona Gille April 2 3 9 11, 1999 Lansing Civic Players Performed at Riverwalk Theatre CAST * First Escor...
Moon Over Buffalo By Ken Ludwig Directed by David Brooks September 8 10 15 17, 2006 Lansing Civic Players Performed at Hannah Community Center, East Lansing...
Rehearsal for Murder A murder mystery adapted for the stage by D.D. Brooke From the TV play by Richard Levinson William Link Directed by Judie Town January 2...
Scrooge, the Stingiest Man in Town * Book Lyrics by Janice Torre* Music by Fred Spielman Directed by Denise Wheeler December 9 11 and 16 18, 1994 Lansing Ci...
The Creepy Castle Hassle * by Eugene Jackson* Directed by Beverly Gross June 15 17, 2001 Lansing Civic Players Performed at Lansing Catholic High School CA...
The Spider's Web * Mystery by Agatha Christie* Directed by Winifred Olds September 14 16, 21 23, 2001 Lansing Civic Players Performed at Lansing Catholic High...
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