Backlinks to MikeBarger in Lansing Web (Search all webs)

Results from Lansing web retrieved at 06:26 (GMT)

Christmastime At Starlight / A Charlie Brown Christmas Directed by Linda GrangerMusical Director Kara Damon December 1, 2, 8 9, 2018Starlight Dinner Theatre C...
For You(r) Mom * Songs and Dance from the 30's, 40's and 50's* Produced by Linda Granger Musical Director Takis Pizanis February 12, 13 and 14, 2016 Starlight...
Happy Days Malt Shop Memories from the 1950s A musical revue produced by Linda Granger Dan Templin Music Direction by James Geer Choreography by Fran Ludingt...
Nunsense The Mega Musical * Book, Music and Lyrics by Dan Goggin* Directed by Susan DeRosa May 9 10 16 17, 2014 Starlight Dinner Theatre CAST * Reveren...
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