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Results from Lansing web retrieved at 06:25 (GMT)

Company (2002) * A Musical Comedy* Music and Lyrics by Stephen Sondheim Book by George Furth Directed by Tom Klunzinger April 5 7 12 14, 2002 Lansing Civic...
Coriolanus for Senate 2000 by William Shakespeare Directed by Todd A. Heywood August 3 6 and 10 13, 2000 Outing Productions (Sunsets With Shakespeare) Perform...
The Hunchback of Notre Dame A new musical for adults by T.E. Klunzinger Orchestrations and Additional Music by Paul J. Reekie July 8 25, 1999 Riverwalk Theatre...
The Man Who Came to Dinner * Comedy by Moss Hart George S. Kaufman* Directed by John Gross February 22 24 March 1 3, 2002 Lansing Civic Players Performed ...
The Night of the Iguana * By Tennessee Williams* Directed by Tom Klunzinger March 10 13, 17 20, 1994 Riverwalk Theatre CAST * Pancho......Zack Torrez ...
The Taming of the Shrew (2000) by William Shakespeare Directed by Don W. Baschal June 29 30, July 1 2, 4, 6 9, 2000 Outing Productions (Sunsets with Shakespear...
What About the Hungarian_ * A new play by Tom Klunzinger* Directed by Tom Klunzinger September 12, 13, 14 20, 21, 22, 1966 Lansing Civic Players Performed a...
Number of topics: 7
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