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Results from Lansing web retrieved at 16:51 (GMT)

A Pretty Girl is Like a Melody A History of Women in the American Musical Theater Written by Georgia Brand Directed by Roy Custer Musical Director Dan Jarrad ...
Christmas Belles A comedy by Jessie Jones, Nicholas Hope and Jamie Wooten Directed by Connie Curran Oesterle December 5, 6, 12 13, 2008 Starlight Dinner Thea...
Debbie Friends * Senator Debbie Stabenow in* A fundraiser for The Riverwalk Theatre October 19, 1991 PERFORMERS * Tina Barnhart * Bruce Bennett * Jo...
For You(r) Mom * Songs and Dance from the 30's, 40's and 50's* Produced by Linda Granger Musical Director Takis Pizanis February 12, 13 and 14, 2016 Starlight...
Nunsense * A Musical Comedy by Don Goggin* Directed by Angelo Fata Musical Direction by George Duncan April 17 19 and 24 26, 1998 Lansing Civic Players Perfo...
Southern Hospitality SOUTHERN HOSPITALITY A comedy by Jessie Jones, Nicholas Hope and Jamie Wooten Directed by Mark Cosgrove and Linda M. Granger October 2, 3,...
Starry Night A musical revue Directed by Linda M. Granger August 21 22, 2009 Starlight Dinner Theatre Special Event RELATED PRODUCTION: * Starry Night...
The Boys From Syracuse by Richard Rodgers, Lorenz Hart and George Abbott Directed by Jeffrey Brenner March 20 22 and 27 29, 1992 Lansing Civic Players Perform...
The Miracle Worker By William Gibson Directed by Bob Gras March 18, 19, 20, 25, 26 27, 1994 Lansing Civic Players Performeed at Lansing Catholic High School...
Women...on the Go! Music Comedy Revue For and by the Women of Riverwalk Directed by Lee Helder and Susan Chmurynsky September 28 29, 2007 Riverwalk Theatr...
You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown * Music and Lyrics by Clark Gesner* Directed by Jeffrey Aaron Simon Brenner August 17 through September 2, 1990 Riverwalk Thea...
Number of topics: 11

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