Backlinks to MarionStutes in all Webs (Search Lansing Web only)

Results from Lansing web retrieved at 02:17 (GMT)

All My Sons (1988) by Arthur Miller Directed by Bob Robinson July 7, 8, 9, 15 and 16, 1988 Spotlight Theatre Fitzgerald Park, Grand Ledge CAST * Joe Kel...
Inherit the Wind (1988) by Jerome Lawrence and Robert E Lee Directed by Tom Ferris March 3 6, 1988 Riverwalk Theatre in Transition Performed at Cooley Law Sch...
Just the Two of Us * Music by Douglas J. Austin* Book by Roger Rochowiak Lyrics by Messrs. Austin Rochowiak Staged by Ken Beachler May 19 June 5, 1994 Rive...
Social Security Scandals (1996) //*"A Touch of This, A Touch of That"*// Directed by Shirley Bouck July 25, 26, 27, 28, 1996 Lansing Civic Players Performed a...
Social Security Scandals Christmas Show (1995) //*"A Holly Jolly Christmas"*// Directed by Shirley Bouck December 1, 2, 3, 1995 Lansing Civic Players Performe...
Social Security Scandals Christmas Show (1996) //*"Another Holly Jolly Christmas"*// Directed by Shirley Bouck December 6 and 7, 1996 Lansing Civic Players ...
The Runner Stumbles * By Milan Stitt* Directed by Joyce Ramsay April 19 29, 1990 Riverwalk Theatre CAST * Amos......Bruce Bennett * Father Rivard........
Number of topics: 7

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