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Results from Lansing web retrieved at 20:35 (GMT)

Chad Swan Badgero Founder and Artistic Director of Peppermint Creek Theatre Company On our 10 20 30 page of frequent contributors to Lansing theater, as Dire...
Connor Kelly Performer * One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (RWT 2016) Billy Bibbit * Beyond Therapy (RWT 2016) Andrew * Heathers the Musical (PCTC 201...
Hannah Paff Production Team * Next Fall (PCTC 2012) Stage Crew * Bloody, Bloody Andrew Jackson (PCTC 2012) Backstage Crew * Good People (PCTC 2012) ...
Heath Sartorius Author * Let's Fight! (ITE 2024) "Not Part of the Choreography" Director * Fears Phobias (ITE 2018) * A Behanding In Spokane (RWT 2...
Jeff Magnuson Director * Sherlock Holmes and the Crucifer of Blood (ST 1995) * Educating Rita (RWT 1995) * Royal Gambit (RWT 1999) * Telling Lives (R...
John Lepard Director * The Flick (PCTC 2018) * Mankind (PCTC 2025) Production Team * Mankind (PCTC 2025) Sound Designer
Lauren Spiegel Production Team * Mankind (PCTC 2025) Scenic Change Artist
M.D. Nelson Performer * What Is Susan's Secret? (SDT 2014) Bobby/Jeffrey/Paul * A Hotel on Marvin Gardens (RWT 2020) Henry * Mankind (PCTC 2025)...
Ndegwa McCloud Performer * Superior Donuts (RWT 2017) Officer James Bailey * Elephant's Graveyard (OTL 2017) Ringmaster * Hoodoo Love (ITE 2017) J...
Peppermint Creek Theatre Company Peppermint Creek Theatre Company Homepage * Thespie Award Special Award (2004) "for a hugely ambitious show in its first ful...
Ray Louise Sunshine Production Team * Mankind (PCTC 2025) Costume Designer, Props Manager
Steve Lee Director * Playing For Real (ITE 2024) Performer * Fool For Love (RWT 2017) Martin * The Flick (PCTC 2018) Sam * Mankind (PCTC 202...
Zara Hertafeld Production Team * What the Constitution Means to Me (PCTC 2024) Lighting Design, Lighting Operator * Mankind (PCTC 2025) Lighting Des...
Number of topics: 13
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