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Results from Lansing web retrieved at 17:56 (GMT)

A Shot in the Dark * Whimsical Comedy by Marcel Achard* Adapted by Harry Kurnitz Directed by Dan Pappas March 13 16 20 23, 2014 Riverwalk Theatre * On...
A Thousand Clowns * By Herb Gardner* Directed by Tom Ferris October 14 17, 21 24, 2004 Riverwalk Theatre Main Stage * Two Barney Awards, denoted (B) below ...
A Year With Frog and Toad Based on the books by Arnold LobelMusic by Robert RealeBook and Lyrics by Willie RealeDirected by Tom FerrisDecember 8 11, 15 18, 2022Ri...
Advise Consent * Drama by Loring Mandel* Based on the Pulitzer Prize winning novel by Allen Drury Directed by Michael Hays October 18 21 25 28, 2012 Riverwa...
Ain't Misbehavin' * Musical by Murray Horwitz and Richard Maltby, Jr.* Directed by Hope Rollins Music Directed by James Geer (B) February 5 8 12 15, 2015 Ri...
All My Sons (2016) * Gripping Drama by Arthur Miller* Directed by Bob Robinson January 7 10 14 17, 2016 Riverwalk Theatre * One Thespie Award, denoted (T...
Anything But You * By Colleen Boucher* Directed by Linda L. Widener March 20, 2016 Riverwalk Theatre Staged Reading CAST * Stage directions read by Josep...
Best of Friends Comedy by Jeff Daniels Directed by Bob Robinson (B) May 28 31 June 4 7, 2015 Riverwalk Theatre * Barney Award Ensemble, Drama/Comedy ...
Christmas Belles A Jones Hope Wooden ComedyDirected by Kate ClarkDecember 7 10 14 17. 2023Riverwalk Theatre * Two Barney Awards, including one shared award,...
Far East By A.R. Gurney Directed by Ken Beachler (P) August 19 22, 26 29, 2004 Riverwalk Theatre Main Stage * Three Barney Awards, denoted (B) below * ...
Godspell (2014) * By John Michael Tebelak* with Music by Stephen Schwartz Directed by John Delaney May 29 June 1 June 5 8, 2014 Riverwalk Theatre * Th...
James and the Giant Peach Music by Justin PaulLyrics by Benj PasekBook by Timothy Allen McDonaldBased on the book written by Roald DahlDirected by Linda Widener M...
Lily the Felon's Daughter (2018) A Melodrama by Tom Taggart Directed by Susan Chmurynsky March 15 18 22 25, 2018 Riverwalk Theatre * One Barney Award, de...
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (2016) * Dramedy adapted by Dale Wasserman from Ken Kesey's Novel* Directed by Diane Cooke and Liz Cooke February 11 14 18 21,...
Red A new play by John Logam Directed by Rita Deibler March 10 12 17 19, 2017 Riverwalk Theatre Black Box * One Barney Award denoted (B) below CAST ...
Scotland Road By Jeffrey Hatcher Directed by Bob Robinson May 10 13 17 20, 2018 Riverwalk Theatre Black Box * One Thespie Award, denoted (T) below * O...
Smokey Joe's Cafe Words and music by Jerry Leiber and Mike Stoller Directed by Hope Rollins and Diane Spicer with Vocal Director Algie Watkins (B) and Orche...
The Surprising Story of the Three Little Pigs Children's Comedy by Linda Daugherty Directed by Tom Ferris (B) November 25 27 and December 2 4, 2011 Riverwalk T...
Twelve Angry Men * by Reginald Rose* Directed by Bob Robinson January 9 12 16 19, 2014 Riverwalk Theatre * Thespie Award Special Award for "the ensem...
Two Trains Running A drama by August Wilson Directed by Vanessa Cunningham Sanders July 20 23 27 30, 2000 Riverwalk Theatre * One Barney Award, denoted (...
Number of topics: 20
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