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A Murder is Announced Mystery by Agatha Christie, adapted by Leslie Darbon Directed by Lisa Sodman Elzinga March 11 12 18 19. 2011 Starlight Dinner Theatre ...
A Small Family Business By Alan Ayckbourne Directed by Frank Rutledge February 2 5, 9 13, 1995 Riverwalk Theatre CAST * Beatrice Hough......Janet Anders...
A Thousand Clowns * By Herb Gardner* Directed by Tom Ferris October 14 17, 21 24, 2004 Riverwalk Theatre Main Stage * Two Barney Awards, denoted (B) below ...
Anything But You * By Colleen Boucher* Directed by Linda L. Widener March 20, 2016 Riverwalk Theatre Staged Reading CAST * Stage directions read by Josep...
Best of Friends Comedy by Jeff Daniels Directed by Bob Robinson (B) May 28 31 June 4 7, 2015 Riverwalk Theatre * Barney Award Ensemble, Drama/Comedy ...
Camping with Henry and Tom A comic drama by Mark St. Germain Directed by Susan Chmurynsky November 24 26 December 1 2, 2006 Riverwalk Theatre Black Box Perf...
Crazy Little Thing Called Love * WORLD PREMIERE COMEDY* By Jessie Jones, Nicholas Hope and Jamie Wooten Directed by Linda M. Granger October 11 12 18 19, 201...
I Hate Hamlet A supernatural, Shakespearean, swashbuckling spoof by Paul Rudnick Directed by Erin Bennett August 9 12 16 19, 2007 Riverwalk Theatre * ...
Lily the Felon's Daughter (2018) A Melodrama by Tom Taggart Directed by Susan Chmurynsky March 15 18 22 25, 2018 Riverwalk Theatre * One Barney Award, de...
Lucky Dog LUCKY DOG A dark comedy by Leo Butler Directed by Eileen O'Leary September 22 October 1, 2005 Riverwalk Theatre Black Box Performed at Creole Galle...
Noises Off A wild comedy by Michael Frayn Directed by Bob Gras February 24 27, March 3 6, 2005 Riverwalk Theatre Main Stage * Nine Barney Awards, denoted (...
Noises Off * Comedy by Michael Frayn* Directed by Bob Gras (T) September 12 15, 19 22, 26 29, 1996 Riverwalk Theatre * Two Thespie Awards, denoted (T) below...
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest Comedy/Drama by Dale Wasserman Directed by Tony Hornus Riverwalk Theatre October 18 21, 25 28, 2001 * Two Barney Awards, de...
Prelude to a Kiss By Craig Lucas Directed by Ken Beachler March 25 28, April 1 4, 2004 Riverwalk Theatre Main Stage * One Barney Award, denoted (B) below ...
Saint Joan SAINT JOAN by George Bernard Shaw Directed by Mark Zussman Sunsets with Shakespeare Performed in the RE Olds Rotary Barn of Woldumar Nature Center...
Side Man SIDE MAN A jazz memory by Warren Leight Directed by Susan Chmurynsky January 24 27 and Jan 31 Feb 3, 2008 Riverwalk Theatre * Two Barney Award...
Sleepy Hollow Adapted from Washington Irving's story by Tom Ferris Directed by Tom Ferris October 18 20 25 27, 2013 Riverwalk Theatre * Eight Barney Aw...
Tartuffe * By Moliere* Directed by Bob Gras September 22 25 and 29 October 2, 1994 Riverwalk Theatre CAST * Mariane......Cassi Adcock * M. Loyal.........
The Hallelujah Girls By Jessie Jones, Nicholas Hope and Jamie Wooten Directed by Mark Cosgrove and Linda M. Granger May 6, 7, 13 14, 2011 Starlight Dinner Th...
The Lyons * Ferocious Comedy by Nicky Silver* Directed by Susan Chmurynsky May 8 10 15 17, 2015 Riverwalk Theatre Black Box CAST * Ben......Michael Sch...
The Pushcart War A musical by Edric Haleen Based on the novel by Jean Merrill Directed by Edric Haleen July 27 August 6, 2006 Holt Technological Society Perf...
The Tale of the Allergist's Wife By Charles Busch Directed by Bob Gras July 15 18, 22 25, 2004 Riverwalk Theatre Main Stage * Two Barney Awards, denoted (B...
These Shining Lives By Melaine Marnich Directed by Susan Chmurynsky September 27 30 and October 4 7, 2018 Riverwalk Theatre Black Box * Pulsar Award Best Pla...
Twelve Angry Men * by Reginald Rose* Directed by Bob Robinson January 9 12 16 19, 2014 Riverwalk Theatre * Thespie Award Special Award for "the ensem...
Two Beers and a Hook Shot * Drama by Kent R. Brown* Death Knocks Comedy by Woody Allen Directed by Bill Helder March 2 4 and 9 11, 2012 Riverwalk Theatre Bla...
Wiley and the Hairy Man WILEY AND THE HAIRY MAN Family Folk Tale by Susan Zeder Directed by Susan Chmurynsky July 23 25 July 30 August 1, 2010 Riverwalk The...
Women...on the Go! Music Comedy Revue For and by the Women of Riverwalk Directed by Lee Helder and Susan Chmurynsky September 28 29, 2007 Riverwalk Theatr...
Number of topics: 27

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