Backlinks to GuySanville in Lansing Web (Search all webs)

Results from Lansing web retrieved at 20:43 (GMT)

Biloxi Blues * By Neil Simon* Directed by Guy Sanville September 19 22, 26 29, 1991 Riverwalk Theatre CAST * Roy Selridge......William R. Cecil * Jose...
Butterflies Are Free (1986) By Leonard Gershe Directed by Judie Town May 8 11, 15 18, 1986 Okemos Barn Theatre CAST * Don Baker......Thom Vernon * Jil...
How the Other Half Loves by Alan Ayckbourn Directed by Nan McGrady July 31, August 1, 2, 8 and 9, 1986 Spotlight Theatre Fitzgerald Park, Grand Ledge CAST ...
Isn't It Romantic * by Wendy Wasserstein* Directed by Yasmin Richmond April 11 14 18 21, 1991 Riverwalk Theatre CAST * Janie Blumberg......Diana Segar ...
Robin Hood * By Don Nigro* Directed by Guy Sanville October 22 25, 29 November 1, 1992 Riverwalk Theatre CAST * Robin Hood/Blind Benny......Bill Cecil ...
Romantic Comedy by Bernard Slade Directed by Roy Custer August 4, 5, 6, 12 and 13, 1988 Spotlight Theatre Fitzgerald Park, Grand Ledge CAST * Jason Carm...
The Big Knife By Clifford Odets Directed by Bill Shipley July 10, 11, 12, 18 and 19, 1986 Spotlight Theatre Fitzgerald Park, Grand Ledge CAST * Russell....
The Chalk Garden By Enid Bagnold Directed by Arthur Athanason March 6 9, 13 16, 1986 Okemos Barn Theatre CAST * Miss Madrigal......Yasmin Richmond * M...
The Odd Couple (1990) Female Version by Neil Simon Directed by Dick Hill American Red Cross Fundraiser January 4 21, 1990 Performed at Riverwalk Theatre CA...
The Runner Stumbles * By Milan Stitt* Directed by Joyce Ramsay April 19 29, 1990 Riverwalk Theatre CAST * Amos......Bruce Bennett * Father Rivard........
Twelve Angry Men (1987) By Sherman L. Sergel Adapted from the television show by Reginald Rose Directed by Bob Robinson June 11, 12, 123, 19 and 20, 1987 Spot...
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