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Results from Lansing web retrieved at 23:22 (GMT)

Ayden Soupal Author * Ernie's Life (RWT 2021) Director * Misery (RWT 2023) * The Trail to Oregon (RWT 2023) Performer * Master Harold...and the...
Charles Hoogstraten Performer * Twelfth Night (ELCT 2018) Sir Andrew Aguecheek * The Play's the Thing (TCT 2019) Hamlet * Julius Caesar (TCT 2020) ...
Kameron Going Performer * Twelfth Night (ELCT 2018) Malvolio, Antonio * Jekyll Hyde (RWT 2018) Dr. Henry Jekyll/Edward Hyde * The Wild Party (PCTC...
Madeline Nash Performer * August: Osage County (RWT 2013) Barbara Fordham * Sweat (RWT 2019) Jessie * Thespie Award Featured Actress, Play ...
Maureen Sawdon Performer * Noises Off (RWT 2018) Belinda Blair, Flavia Brent * Sweat (RWT 2019) Tracey * Turn, Turn, Turn (ITE 2020) "All Syste...
Riverwalk Theatre * Thespie Award Special Award "for a big step up in its printed programs" (2024) Riverwalk Theatre Homepage CURRENT SEASON For Community ...
Rose Jangmi Cooper Director * Hope (ITE 2019) * Ernie's Life (RWT 2021) * Fabulation or the Re Education of Undine (RWT 2022) * When I Come to Di...
Number of topics: 7
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