Daddy Long Legs

Music and lyrics by Paul Gordon
Book by Book by John Caird
Directed by Chad Swan-Badgero (T)
February 9-12 and March 24-26, 2023*
Peppermint Creek Theatre Company
Performed at Bestsellers Books & Coffee, Mason
  • Three Thespie Awards, denoted (T) below

Rachel Daugherty and Jake PrzybylaCAST



*Originally scheduled for two consecutie weekends in February, an illness forced the cancellation of the second weekend. That second weekend was eventually rescheduled for late March.

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CD142-0172.jpgjpg CD142-0172.jpg manage 3 MB 26 Mar 2023 - 15:49 Main.MattOttinger  
This topic: Lansing > PeppermintCreekTheatreCompany > DaddyLongLegs
Topic revision: 02 Jul 2023, MattOttinger
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