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8 * A play by Dustin Lance Black* Directed by Chad Badgero Peppermint Creek Theatre Company Staged Reading May 10, 2013 Miller Performing Arts Center CAST ...
Caroline or Change A musical by Tony Kushner and Jeanine Tesori Directed by Chad Badgero (P)(T) September 9 12 16 19, 2010 A collaboration between Peppermint...
Four One Acts FOUR ONE ACTS by Deb Carlson Directed by John Roche December 11, 2011 Riverwalk Theatre Staged Reading CAST Tuesday Afternoon * Amanda,,,...
Rent * Rock Musical by Jonathan Larson* Directed and Choreographed by Kelly Stuible Clark with Music Direction by Nicole Martin June 2 5 9 12, 2016 Riverwal...
Smokey Joe's Cafe Words and music by Jerry Leiber and Mike Stoller Directed by Hope Rollins and Diane Spicer with Vocal Director Algie Watkins (B) and Orche...
The Secret Garden (2016) * Book and Lyrics by Marsha Norman* Music by Lucy Simon Based on the novel by Frances Hodgson Burnett Directed by Chad Swan Badgero M...
Water by the Spoonful * A play by Quiara Algeria Hudes* Directed by Tommy Gomez April 28 May 1 May 5 7, 2016 Peppermint Creek Theatre Company Performed at...
Number of topics: 7

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