Backlinks to BeverlySherrod in Lansing Web (Search all webs)

Results from Lansing web retrieved at 22:00 (GMT)

Purlie * Music by Gary Geld Lyrics by Peter Udell* Book by Ossie Davis, Philip Rose and Peter Udell Directed by Wardell "Sunny" Watson, Jr. May 20 23, 27 30, J...
Social Security Scandals Christmas Show (1996) //*"Another Holly Jolly Christmas"*// Directed by Shirley Bouck December 6 and 7, 1996 Lansing Civic Players ...
Steal Away * By Ramona King* Directed by Vanessa Cunningham Sanders April 6 9, 13 15, 1995 Riverwalk Theatre CAST * Stella......Linda Lee * TracyAda.....
The Amen Corner * By James Baldwin* Directed by Robert Gordon October 24 November 3, 1991 Riverwalk Theatre CAST * Margaret Anderson......Regina Lewis Ri...
Number of topics: 4
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