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Results from Lansing web retrieved at 22:54 (GMT)

A Grand Night for Singing Music by Richard Rogers / Lyrics by Oscar Hammerstein II Musical Arrangements by Fred Wells / Orchestrations by Michael Gibson and Jona...
Happy Days Malt Shop Memories from the 1950s A musical revue produced by Linda Granger Dan Templin Music Direction by James Geer Choreography by Fran Ludingt...
Man of La Mancha (2017) * Book by Dale Wasserman* Music by Mitch Leigh Lyrics by Joe Darion Directed by Linda Granger Musical Direction by James Geer Choreog...
Nuncrackers (2015) Book and Lyrics by Dan Goggin Directed by Jane Zussman November 6 8 13 15, 2015 Starlight Dinner Theatre RELATED PRODUCTION: * Nuns...
Nunsense The Mega Musical * Book, Music and Lyrics by Dan Goggin* Directed by Susan DeRosa May 9 10 16 17, 2014 Starlight Dinner Theatre CAST * Reveren...
Susan DeRosa On our 10 20 30 page of frequent contributors to Lansing theater, on Production Team Director * 6 Rms Riv Vu (BCTG 2003) * Nunsense: The ...
The Odd Couple (2016) * Female Version by Neil Simon* Directed by Lisa Sodman Elzinga October 14 15, 21 22, 23, 2016 Starlight Dinner Theatre CAST * Oliv...
What Is Susan's Secret? * An American Farce by Michael and Susan Parker* Directed by Lisa Sodman Elzinga October 17 18 24 25 26, 2014 Starlight Dinner Theatr...
Number of topics: 8
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