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Results from Lansing web retrieved at 06:42 (GMT)

All in the Timing ALL IN THE TIMING By David Ives Directed by Addiann Hinds (T) March 25 27, April 1 3, 2005 Riverwalk Theatre Black Box Performed at Creole ...
Bill Cecil Performer * Biloxi Blues (RWT 1991) Roy Selridge * Robin Hood (RWT 1992) Robin Hood/Blind Benny * Broadway Bound (RWT 1993) Eugene Jero...
Gini Larson On our 10 20 30 page of frequent contributors to Lansing theater, as Performer Performer * Li'l Abner (RWT 1992) Moonbeam McSwine (Lansing ...
Jackie Payne Performer * Man From Nebraska (RWT 2007) Cammie Carpenter * She Stoops to Conquer (RWT 2007) Servant/General Roustabout * Romeo and Jul...
Jane Zussman As Jane Shipley until 1992 On our 10 20 30 page of frequent contributors to Lansing theater, in all categories * Thespie Award Robert Busby...
Jeff English Author * Boomers (RWT 2003) (Music) with Dick Hill (Book Lyrics) Musical Director * Man of La Mancha (OBT 1985) * Nunsense (ARC 1993...
Justin Perez JUSTIN PEREZ Production Team * All in the Timing 2 (RWT 2005) Running Crew
Kevin Burnham Director * All in the Timing 2 (RWT 2005) * Escanaba in da Moonlight (LPTC 2006) * Bedroom Farce (LPTC 2006) * Godspell (LPTC 2007)...
Mark Bethea Performer * Gus Angie (RWT 2005) Frank Fenstermacher * All in the Timing 2 (RWT 2005) Ensemble * Saint Joan (SWS 2007) Chaplain de S...
Molly Payne Production Team * All in the Timing (RWT 2005) Assistant Stage Manager * All in the Timing 2 (RWT 2005) Assistant Stage Manager, Sound, Lig...
Riverwalk Theatre * Thespie Award Special Award "for a big step up in its printed programs" (2024) Riverwalk Theatre Homepage CURRENT SEASON For Community ...
Tanya Canaday Burnham On our 10 20 30 page of frequent contributors to Lansing theater, as Performer Director * Strange Shorts (CTW 2009) Mere Mortals * ...
Wayne Miller WAYNE MILLER Production Team * All in the Timing 2 (RWT 2005) Set Design
Number of topics: 13
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