Backlinks to AdeleColson in all Webs (Search Lansing Web only)

Results from Lansing web retrieved at 20:26 (GMT)

Buried Child * by Sam Shepard* Directed by Janet Colson January 18 21 25 28, 2018 Riverwalk Theatre * One Thespie Award, denoted (T) below * Four Barn...
Charlotte's Web * Adapted by Joseph Robinette from E.B. White's novel* Directed by Sadonna Croff Produced by Young Artisan Workshop July 25 28, 2013 Riverwalk...
Peter Pan * Peter Pan, or The Boy Who Won't Grow Up* Original 1904 Script by J.M. Barrie Directed by Sadonna Croff July 24 27, 2014 Riverwalk Theatre Young Ar...
The Diary of Anne Frank (2015) * Drama by Frances Goodrich and Albert Hackett* Directed by Janet Colson October 22 25 and October 29 November 1, 2015 Riverwalk...
Number of topics: 4

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