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Results from Lansing web retrieved at 21:12 (GMT)

Bath Community Theatre Guild * Thespie Award Special Award (2006) "for a classy exit" (The group folded after ten years and pledged to give what was left in ...
Bob Gehrls Performer * Witness for the Prosecution (BCTG 1999) Court Clerk * 6 Rms Riv Vu (BCTG 2003) Larry Production Team * On Golden Pond (BCTG ...
Cathie Allison Production Team * The Glass Menagerie (LCP 2002) Assistant Director, Stage Manager * Move Over Mrs. Markham (LCP 2002) Props * Dearly...
David Brooks Director * Charley's Aunt (BCTG 2000) * Fools (BCTG 2002) * The Foreigner (BCTG 2005) * Moon Over Buffalo (LCP 2006) * It's a Wonderf...
Dean Feldpausch Performer * 6 Rms Riv Vu (BCTG 2003) Eddie
Dorothy May Performer * Jake's Women (BCTG 1998) Sheila Production Team * On Golden Pond (BCTG 1999) Properties * The Dining Room (BCTG 2000) Bac...
Gary Riggs Director * Bad Seed (BCTG 2006) Performer * The Sunshine Boys (LCP 1997) Patient * Picnic (LCP 1997) Howard Bevens * Little Women (LC...
Gordon Clark As Gordon Hicks through 2009 On our 10 20 30 page of frequent contributors to Lansing theater, as Performer Performer * Oliver! (RWT 20...
Judy Barber On our 10 20 30 page of frequent contributors to Lansing theater, as Production Team Director * Under Milk Wood (RWT 2008) with Bob Gras ...
Kerri Besemer Performer * The Deadly Game (BCTG 2002) Nicole * The Fourposter (BCTG 2002) Agnes * 6 Rms Riv Vu (BCTG 2003) Lark * Who's Afraid ...
Linda Gehrls Performer * Witness for the Prosecution (BCTG 1999) Jury Woman * The Crucible (BCTG 2002) Voice of Martha Corey * 6 Rms Riv Vu (BCTG 20...
Matthew Carlson Director * You Can't Take It With You (BCTG 1996) * On Golden Pond (BCTG 1999) * Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (BCTG 2004) Performer ...
Mike Nelson Production Team * London Suite (LCP 1998) Stage Assistant * 6 Rms Riv Vu (BCTG 2003) Assistant Director, Stage Manager
Susan DeRosa On our 10 20 30 page of frequent contributors to Lansing theater, on Production Team Director * 6 Rms Riv Vu (BCTG 2003) * Nunsense: The ...
Tammy Schneider Performer * Move Over Mrs. Markham (LCP 2002) Joanna Markham * 6 Rms Riv Vu (BCTG 2003) Anne * Catch 22 (BCTG 2003) Nurse Ducket, ...
Number of topics: 15
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