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Results from Lansing web retrieved at 06:31 (GMT)

A Holiday Cabaret Directed by Meghan Eldred WoolseyFeaturing the John Dale Smith Trioand Karyn's Dance PlaceDecember 20 22, 2019Riverwalk Theatre CAST * Erin ...
All Together Now! A Global Event Celebrating Local TheatreDirected by Tricia RogersNovember 12 14, 2021Riverwalk Theatre ENSEMBLE * Alexis Loy * Amanda Tol...
Angels In America By Tony KushnerDirected by Bob RobinsonAugust 15 18 22 25, 2024Riverwalk Theatre CAST * Roy M Cohn......Joe Clark * Joseph Porter Pitt...
Holiday Cabaret Directed by Meghan Eldred Woolsey and Michele Booher PuroskyDecember, 2020Riverwalk Theatre VIrtual Show CAST * Ben Cassidy * Caila Conklin...
James and the Giant Peach Music by Justin PaulLyrics by Benj PasekBook by Timothy Allen McDonaldBased on the book written by Roald DahlDirected by Linda Widener M...
The Trail to Oregon Music and Lyrics by Jeff BlimBook by Nick Lang, Matt Lang, Brian Holden and Jeff BlimDirected by Ayden SoupalNovember 9 12 16 19, 2023Riverw...
Working A musical from the book by Studs TerkelAdapted by Stephen Schwartz and Nina Faso with additional contributions by Gordon GreenbergDirected by Kelly Stuibl...
Number of topics: 7
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