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Results from Lansing web retrieved at 10:16 (GMT)

It's a Wonderful Life (Audio Version) Plus original materialDirected by Dave DowningDecember 4, 5, 11 12, 2009Audio Air ForcePerformed at Hannah Community Cente...
It's a Wonderful Life A play in two acts by Philip GrecianBased on the film by Frank Capra, story by Peter Van Doren SternDirected by David BrooksStarlight Dinner...
Jacob Cook Performer * It's a Wonderful Life (SDT 2023) Peter Bailey, Ernie, Harry Bailey, Charlie, Mr Carter
Lilia Mann Performer * It's a Wonderful Life (SDT 2023) Young Harry Bailey, Young Mary, Janie Bailey
Matt Lorenz Performer * It's a Wonderful Life (SDT 2023) Bert, Ed, Mr Welch, Man on Porch, Horrace * Sherlock Holmes and the Great Royal Goose Chase (SDT ...
Moonglow By Kim CarneyDirected by Emily ClarkApril 11 14 18 21, 2024Riverwalk Theatre Black Box * One Thespie Award, denoted (T) below * Barney Award Me...
Norah Anderson Performer * It's a Wonderful Life (SDT 2023) Young Violet, Zuzu Bailey
Peter and the Starcatcher Play by Rick EliseMusic by Wayne BarkerBased on the novel by Dave Barry and Ridley PearsonDirected by Brian Farnham (B)(2T)May 4 11 1...
Number of topics: 8
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